Stephanie B.

“God orchestrated a divine appointment in early January when I was hiding in the corner of my church, trying to blend in while attempting to figure out where I belong or if I even belonged there. The pastor’s wife saw me and introduced herself and I impulsively (probably Spirit-led) spilled my story and asked for help. She introduced me to Dan & Tiffany Chareunsab who run HEAL Outreach Inc and my life hasn’t been the same since. In the past few months, they have loved me through pain and cultivated my spiritual growth through their ministry. I’m learning to see myself through God’s eyes and finding confidence through sharing scriptures daily with Tiffany, who is not only sponsoring me through their program but also discipling me. Last night, we had church at Coachman Park and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my Saturday night. I’m grateful for the leadership, guidance, love, support & ministry of this amazing couple. For what they’re doing in my own life but also for what I get to see and experience them doing in this world to serve God. If I look back 4 short months ago when I was at the darkest point in my life and where I’m at today, there's a lot further to go but good Lord (literally) how far I’ve come….. I love you guys and thank you for doing what you do.”

Matthew J.

“ I want to share my experience with Daniel and Tiffany Chareunsab and their organization, HEAL Outreach. I met Daniel and Tiffany around March 2021 at Mission City Church. At the time, HEAL Outreach was just starting out, and they were also initiating a new life group at the church, which I joined while attending another life group there. I had been sober for six months then. Unfortunately, after being sober for nearly two years, I relapsed and found myself in a life-and-death situation. Daniel and Tiffany, through HEAL Outreach, reached out to me when I was at my lowest point. They visited me while I was in jail, attended all my court dates, prayed with and for me, and wrote letters to the judge on my behalf. Most importantly, they supported me in every possible way. Thanks to their unwavering support, I completed my jail sentence, finished a rehab program, and am now about to complete PTEC Barbering School. I moved out of sober living into my own efficiency apartment and completed three years of probation. HEAL Outreach helped me financially and non-financially when I couldn't afford therapy, rent, a cell phone, food, hygiene products, and more. They provided me with rides, their time, support groups, Bible reading, and companionship at movies, parks, restaurants, and other outings. They were there for me when my own family was not. Daniel and Tiffany Chareunsab, and HEAL Outreach, have shown immense care and love. Their dedication to helping others is truly inspiring. I encourage everyone to support HEAL Outreach in any way they can, whether it be through time, finances, or prayers.”